Saturday, October 15, 2005

My first post

I suppose everything's got to start somewhere. I had a web site for years, over a decade in fact. I wrote the very first web site with "CiX", the UK's largest BBS back in the 80s and 90s. They're still around but just one of the many ISPs these days.

Anyway, my "old" web site hasn't been updated for years, I think the last time I put anything on it was when my first (of 3) sons was born, he's now 7 :-)

So, let's see how this goes. Hopefully you should see some nice photos, the odd bit of Java and a few interesting links from time to time.

Here's today's photo, I took it this weekend in the park next to where I live (in Ealing, West london).

Details: Walpole Park, Ealing UK
15/10/05, 17:15
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/40th @ f4.0
28-70 2.8L @ 45mm
hand held


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