The light off the trees
It's been a quiet week as far as photography goes, having taken Monday and Tuesday off I had a busy week fitting the usualy 5 days work into 3. I'm sure that's not the way vacation is supposed to work but it always appears that way, where did I go wrong?
Anyway, it's been a rather good week weather-wise, still cold but still dry. I took this one while walking back from having taken the children to school, the silver birch trees are exceptionally bright in the morning sun, in fact so bright it was pretty much impossible to correctly expose them with anything else in the shot so I decided to take a closer look. I use Ansel Adams zone system when I take photographs, I put the highlights into zone 8, leaving a little room for tone in the highlights.

Details: Wolepole park, Ealing, UK
25/11/05, 09:17
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/500 secs @ f8.0
28-70 2.8L @ 60mm
Hand held
Anyway, it's been a rather good week weather-wise, still cold but still dry. I took this one while walking back from having taken the children to school, the silver birch trees are exceptionally bright in the morning sun, in fact so bright it was pretty much impossible to correctly expose them with anything else in the shot so I decided to take a closer look. I use Ansel Adams zone system when I take photographs, I put the highlights into zone 8, leaving a little room for tone in the highlights.

Details: Wolepole park, Ealing, UK
25/11/05, 09:17
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/500 secs @ f8.0
28-70 2.8L @ 60mm
Hand held
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