Saturday, December 10, 2005

Another foggy morning

I just couldn't resist taking my camera with me this morning. As usualy I took the children to school, I was amused by questions like "Daddy why does it look foggy but when you get there the fog's gone?". As usual I walked back through Walpole park, although it was foggy and therefore low contrast the leaves still have amazing colours. The first shot just caught my eye as I walked into the park.

Details: Walpole park, Ealing, UK
09/12/05, 09:31
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/60 secs @ f3.2
28-70 2.8L @ 42mm
Hand held

The second is the avenue of trees, one of several that cross the park. I've taken a lot of photos of this avenue, probably too many but it's nice to see how the leaves have changed since the photo I took just a month ago: The Start of Autumn.

Details: Walpole park, Ealing, UK
09/12/05, 09:50
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/60 secs @ f4.0
28-70 2.8L @ 28mm
Hand held

A black and white version...

Finally an "action" shot...

Details: Walpole park, Ealing, UK
09/12/05, 09:52
Canon 20D, ISO-100, RAW
1/100 secs @ f4.0
28-70 2.8L @ 48mm
Hand held


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots!

10 December, 2005 02:50  
Blogger aj said...

Beautiful, natural photographs. I know some of the locations well. I will visit your blog again for more !!!


03 January, 2006 15:54  

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